Quips & Cranks discussion #2:
Poetry as Music: A Different Way of Thinking
painter and publisher Phong Bui
poet Kimberly Lyons
poet Anselm Berrigan
at the School of Visual Arts
136 West 21st St, room 220 (on the second floor)
Admission: Free and open to the public
Presented by the MFA Art Criticism and Writing Department at SVA
Poetry as Music: poets Anselm Berrigan and Kimberly Lyons join painter and publisher Phong Bui to discuss ways in which musical forms can be seen as fruitful terms for a poetics of difficult or willfully obscure art, art that does not yield easily to analysis. A particular focus for this topic will be the poetry of Barbara Guest and Joe Ceravolo. We see in them, and in some poets working today, an interest in musicality that dominates the nature and composition of the work. Rather than texts generated from a pre-determined taxonomy, platform, or political position, the poetry of Guest and Ceravolo is most usefully thought of as something for which we do not yet have language. It is most evocatively approached using an emergent vocabulary of analogies, like those from music: sounds, phrases, introductions, interludes, endings, codas, etc. Painting–abstract painting springs to mind, but the same can apply to paintings with images–are also an endeavor whose expression can be analyzed in terms of music. We wish to trace some of these commonalities across different art forms. Moderated by poets Vincent Katz and Tim Peterson (Trace).
For more information on this and previous Quips and Cranks events, visit the series website here.